Páginas filhas
  • Protheus x Gesplan Configuration (WFN Financing / WFN Lease)



This document presents the steps required for activating the Protheus x Gesplan integration.

Upon acquiring the offer internally, the provisioning flow begins.

Once the provisioning flow is finished, the customer receives the RAC credentials by e-mail (client_id and client_secret) required for running the SMARTLINK configuration in Protheus.

The environment must be updated, following the order described in the topics below.


To start implementing the integration, you need to:

1) Check minimum requirements:

DbAccess a partir da versão
Release Protheus a partir da 12.1.33
Lib a partir da versão 20230227

2) Apply the last Protheus continuous expedition, along with the dictionary differential through the UPDDISTR, in accordance with its release version.

3) Configure the SMARTLINK in accordance with this documentation: SmartLink Communication using credentials (client_id and client_secret) received by e-mail.


Enter the configuration only in the environment currently in production.

Test databases configured with SmartLink intercepted messages sent by Gesplan the same way as the production database, causing the data to be saved to the test base, updating the status for Gesplan to integrated.  

4) Configure the schedule in accordance with the information in the next topic.


Sending data via Gesplan occurs through the job FWTOTVSLINKJOB, which you must add to the schedule manually, based on the following image:

Execution Recurrence

To avoid delay when sending data to Carol, you may set the job Recurrence to 'Always active'; however, there is no rule regarding the registration of the execution recurrence. The decision concerning this matter depends on the need for the availability of these data, from the time of their generation onwards. 
The greater the recurrence, the greater the need for job processing resources.

Schedule - How to schedule the execution of routines
