Páginas filhas
  • Asset items revaluation (ATFA090 - SIGAATF)

This routine allows you to re-evaluate the asset items according to a rate pre-defined by the company.

The revaluation can be made according to the following methods:

  • Type "0" - Independent depreciation

Rate of Depreciation: equal to the source type, that is, equal to type="01".

Accumulated depreciation is equal to zero (0).

  • Type 1 - With the revaluation of the depreciation rate

Rate of Depreciation: For depreciation of type="02", finish along with depreciation of type="01".

Rate calculation formula: Formula: (100 / A – B), where:

A = (100/ depreciation rate)

B = ( ( ( Accumulated Depreciation Value / Original Value) * 100) / Depreciation Rate)


Annual Rate:


Accumulated Depreciation Value

BRL 800.00

Original value:

BRL 1,000.00

Percentage used in revaluation:


(800/ 1000 * 100) / 10 = 8

((Accumulated Depreciation Value / Original Value) * 100) / Depreciation Rate

Depreciation rate found: 50% (for the last 2 years)

Accumulated depreciation is equal to zero (0).

  • Type "2" - With the revaluation of Accumulated depreciation

Rate of Depreciation: equal to the source type, that is, equal to type="01".

Accumulated Depreciation: calculated by the formula:

Accumulated Depreciation Value * (Revaluation Percentage / 100)


Annual Rate:


Accumulated Depreciation Value

BRL 800.00

Original value:

BRL 1,000.00

Percentage used in revaluation:


800 * (10/100) = 80



In Portugal, the method to be used is the type "2" - with the revaluation of accumulated depreciation, and, in other countries, method type "1" - with the revaluation of the depreciation rate.


The revaluations performed using the method type "2" - revaluation of accumulated depreciation display the values calculated according to the reported rate and the maximum value to be depreciated in the Max. Depr. Val. field.


To re-evaluate asset items

  1. In Re-evaluate ATF Item, select Re-evaluate.

A screen is displayed with the routine parameters.

Enter the fixed asset or the range of goods.

When revaluation is performed for multiple bills, the fixed asset interval must be entered using the parameters From Code, To Code, From Item, To Item, Revaluation Rate, and Revaluation Purpose.


The parameters From Group and To Group allow the revaluation to be carried out based on the groups of registered goods. END

3. Check data and confirm.

After confirmation, the list will be displayed, according to the parameters entered, with items marked with an "x".
If any asset lacks the marking (erro), it cannot be re-evaluated because it does not have the requisition record (type="01").

Usually, goods are registered as "goods in formation" (type="03").

4. If necessary, select or deselect the goods for revaluation.

5. Confirm to carry out the revaluation.