This transaction allows clearing all advances made and registered by the Suppliers (PA bills type), in addition to the credit notes to be deducted (NDF bills type).

The advances selected and entered by the user are deducted from the total amount of the original bill.

Through the clearance of bills payable you can:

Then, the bill can be cleared with any advance bill from the same supplier, pending in the bill file, irrespective of the supplier store this bill belongs to;


Check clearance of payment in advance by gross amount for further information on this type of clearance. Check also the configuration of the parameter MV_PABRUTO.


The rate used when writing-off bills is treated in the system as it follows: 

In Brazil, we use the rate informed in the bill.

In located countries, the system considers the daily rate.


To clear accounts payable:  

1. In the Clearance of Accounts Payable maintenance window, press [F12] for configuring the routine specific parameters.

2. Configure the parameters and confirm.

3. Next, select the desired bill and then Clear.

The system displays the clearance screen.

4. Fill in the data according to the field's help instructions.


Note: the bills to be cleared cannot be written-off, which means, the colored ball on the left of the bill must be green.

5. Check the information and confirm.

The system displays a screen with the bills that can be cleared, according to the parameters and fields entered.

6. Check the bills desired by double-clicking until appears.

At each bill checked, the system displays a small window to enter the amount to be cleared. As amounts are entered, the system displays the bill balance and the amount cleared on screen.

7. Select the bills and confirm them.

The system displays a window to confirm the bills checked.

8. Confirm it.