Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


By writing off a bill, its reason can be established prior registration of Table of Reason for Write-offs, available in the Miscellaneous option. This table identifies the bill and also enables a write-off reason to move or not the bank balance, to generate commission, and to generate checks. This control is accomplished through the fields Bank Transaction, Commission and Check.


The following parameters must be observed to control write-off receivable:

  • MV_TOLERPG - Indicates minimum tolerance amount for collection of bills.
  • MV_TOLER - Indicates the tolerance of days in arrears for collection.
  • MV_DATAFIN - Financial closing date. The system does not allow write-off date lower than this parameter.
  • MV_CARTEIR - The codes of the banks operating in the portfolio must be entered.
  • MV_CALCCM - Indicates if there will be calculation of monetary adjustment.
  • MV_TIPOCM - Establishes the calculation method for monetary adjustment: whether by original amount (O) or by total balance (T).
  • MV_CXFIN - Indicates the code of the bank, branch and account of internal cashier [separated by / (slash)].
  • MV_ANTCRED - Enables you to write off a bill receivable with a credit date lower than the bill issue date.
  • MV_BR10925 - Defines when tax values (PIS, COFINS and CSLL) are deducted. It can be configured with 1 = Taxes are deducted when document is written off, or 2 = Taxes are deducted when document is issued.
  • MV_BQ10925 - Defines whether to regard, in the payment amount, the  gross amount of the partial write-off or the net amount considering taxes. 1 = Gross Amount; 2 = Net Amount.
  • MV_MOEDBCO - Defines whether the documents can be written off in a foreign bank, even if a different currency for the same document.


Image ModifiedNote

If the parameter MV_BR10925 is configured with 1 (tax deduction in document write-off), tax values are pointed out in the fields PIS, COFINS and CSLL. If required, these fields can be changed.


Bill write-off can be partial or total and it can be identified by the reference of the total bill amount and the amount entered. Write-off can be:

If the Schedule routine and the Adapter EAI are configured, it is possible to integrate TIN (TOTVS Real Estate Enterprising) and Protheus to send and receive XML files, according to the XSD ractified by TOTVS®. 

Image ModifiedImportant

Integration available between Microsiga Protheus® system for data exchange by a Single Message, in a file type XML.

Therefore it is necessary set up the E.A.I Adapter and the Schedule.




Integration with RM

  • This routine has the functionality of integration with RM Classis Net:

For technical details on Implementation and Use Procedures, Table Synchronization between Bases, and Parameterization for Generation, refer to the Guide of Protheus x Classis Integration, available at the TDN portal.

See also information about Education Management.


See Also

To query Write-offs Receivable, see the reports:

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