Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


  • To have a supplier registered with an active checking account in the bank register. Bank Supplier Binding at option Other Actions. 
  • Enter bill payable bank information of supplier in the fields: Supp. Account., Supp. Bank, Supp. Branch.
  • To submit payment through CNAB, indicate in Bank Parameters whether you can use checking accounts for payments and the respective expiration date of the agreement.



Registers and Execution Examples 



  1. In Parameterization, fill out the following questions according to field help:
    • Initial Expiration?
    • Final Expiration?
    • Limit value?
    • Bordereau date?
    • Display Log?
    • Display Entries?



Generate a processing log, if the questions Displays Log? is parameterized as Yes.


See Also