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  • Types of Bills (FINA040 - SIGAFIN)

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The types of bills identify the amount pertaining to a determined income or expense. The existing types must be defined in table 05 of Configurator module or in the Register of Types of Bills.

Special Types

Interim bills

    • This type of bill is used for reserving incomes that will arise, for budgets/cash flow purposes.
    • While implementing the bill, the type PR must be specified, or its status must be entered in the field Types of Bills;
    • In order to make it effective, the option Replace must be used by entering the code/store of the customer/supplier.


When some amount/balance is returned. In this case, a reverse entry (to the original portfolio) will be generated.


Image ModifiedImportant:

Image Modified

It is possible to control of advance amounts collection of a sale, which may be deducted from future sales, according to Mexico's law (Statute of Income Tax, Art. 29, 29-A and 32, XXVII § 2).

To do so, a class record with advance operation enabled must be indicated in the Class field of Material Collections.

The advance bill is generated by writing off the Invoice in the Sundry Collections routine, i.e., the Invoice is replaced by the advance collection.

The write-off may only be canceled in Cancel Sundry Collections if it has not been reconciled in another invoice.

Credits Note

Used to indicate the existence of credit/debit notes in Customers or Suppliers. In this case, the bank balance is not updated.
