Páginas filhas
  • Prefix + Number + Installment (FINA040 - SIGAFIN)

The composition of the bill number is the formation that constitutes its identification in the system (access key):


In this manner, the access key and bill control will be:


  • Prefix

This field identifies a group of bills pertaining to the same group, as a classification criterion. If it is automatically generated by the system, it takes the serial number of the invoice. It can be used to separate bills that have the same number but different purposes.

  • Title No.

Bill Identification Number. When generated automatically, it takes the invoice number, having the installment number as the reference.

  • Installment

Installment related to collection document. Consists of the numbers that form the bill's access key.


Installment A



For alphabetical installments configuration, the content of the parameter MV_1DUP must present the letter A. If you wish to divide the installments numerically, the parameter must contain 1.