Árvore de páginas

Speaking of document permission features...

The permission options for existing documents in the Control Panel allow authorizing or restricting features for specific users, roles or groups of users. It is possible, for example, to hide features that are visible by default or release management features to a common user.
For a user to have access to a feature, they are required to have permission to view the page and/or the widget of this feature.

Specific document permissions, pages and widgets are listed below.

Menu – Documents – New

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Documents feature page – belongs to the settings menu in the upper right corner of the platform’s pages, which shows the document browsing root.


Documentos - ecmnavigation

For more details, go to Page permission options

New Folder feature page – in the Documents menu, located in the upper right corner of the documents. Allows creating new folders.PAGE WIDGETNova Pasta - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options and Permission options in widgets.

Form feature page – in the Documents menu, located in the upper-right corner of the documents. Allows creating new forms.ECMFormulário - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options

Menu – Documents – New from folder

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page and widget of the External document feature – in the New dropdown menu, located in the right corner of the page. Allows accessing links outside the platform.


Documento externo - ecmnavigation#

For more details, go to Page permission options and Permission options in widgets.

Multiple posting resource page – in the New dropdown menu, located in the right corner of the page. Allows posting multiple documents and/or several folders simultaneously.PAGE WIDGETPublicação múltipla - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options and Permission options in widgets.

Article resource page – in the New dropdown menu, located in the right corner of the page. Allows creating and updating information in the platform, in article format.PAGE ECMArtigo - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options and Permission options in widgets.

Page and widget of the Report feature – in the New dropdown menu, located in the right corner of the page. Allows posting BIRT Report Designer reports in the platform. PAGE WIDGET ECMRelatório - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options and Permission options in widgets.

Application resource page – in the New dropdown menu, located in the right corner of the page. Allows opening any application file supported by the platform.ECM PAGEAplicativo - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options and Permission options in widgets.

Form feature page – in the Documents menu, located in the upper right corner of the documents. Allows creating new forms. ECMFormulário - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options

Documents menu – More button

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Main List item page of the Documents menu, which generates a list containing all of the folder’s documents, optionally including subfolder content.PAGE WIDGETLista mestra - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options and Permission options in widgets.

Page and widget of the Controlled copy feature – in the More dropdown menu for controlled document printing.PAGE WIDGETCópia controlada - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options and Permission options in widgets.

Download action – in the More dropdown menu, which allows downloading platform documents, generating a .zip file in the My Documents folder to download the file into the user directory.ECMDownload - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options

Remove action – in the More dropdown menu. Allows deleting documents and sending them to the bin.ECMRemover - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options

Show priority action – in the More dropdown menu. Allows showing/hiding the established document priority.ECMMostrar prioridade - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options

Page and widget of the Block modification feature – in the More dropdown menu. Allows block modification of information shared across multiple documents.PAGE WIDGETAlteração em bloco - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options and Permission options in widgets.

Transfer area feature page – in the More dropdown menu. Drag-and-drop transferring for posts to take effect.ECM PAGEÁrea de transferência - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options

Control panel – Documents

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page for the Control Panel item from the main menu, which allows accessing and managing platform settings.PAGEPainel de Controle - cpaneladminFor more details, go to Page permission options


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page for the Favorites item from the main menu, where favorite documents, processes, users and communities are grouped.PAGEFavoritos - principalfovoritesFor details, go to Page permission options.

Page and widget for the Favorite documents feature – belonging to the Favorites item from the main menu – which allows viewing the communities and users defined as favorites.PAGEDocumentos favoritos - pagefavorites

For details, go to Page permission options.

WIDGETDocumentos FavoritosFor details, go to Widget permission options.

Page and widget for the History feature – belonging to the Favorites item from the main menu – which allows viewing the documents viewed by the user.PAGEHistórico - pageaccesslogFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETHistóricoFor details, go to Widget permission options.

Separate widgets – ECM

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Widget of the Popular Documents feature – shows the most accessed documents in the platform.WIDGETECM - Documentos popularesFor more details, go to Permission options in widgets.

Widget of the List Dataset Records feature – shows dataset records in two pages or communities.WIDGETECM - Listar registros de DatasetsFor more details, go to Permission options in widgets.

Fluig Connect

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Specific permissions of the Fluig Connect application.APPSFluig Connect
  • Enable fluig Connect: when enabled, the group/role/user will have access to fluig Connect. Otherwise, the user will not be able to start a session in the application.
  • Automatic synchronization: when enabled, the Synchronization tab will appear in the Connect Preferences screen.

    If automatic synchronization permission is enabled, the My Documents folder will not be displayed for the group/role/user in the right-hand side of the Connect screen (Remote area).

  • Enable notifications: when enabled, notifications shown in the fluig desktop will also be shown in the Connect Notification Center. To access the notification center, locate the Connect icon in the operating system’s notification area and right-click to select the option “Notification Center”.

Please note!

This documentation is valid as of the Liquid (1.6.5) update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.