Categories classify products and group them up, according to a common feature, to make easier the process of goal planning and sales forecast.  The goal is to create a priority order over the categories structure, implementing the concept of sales by line of products, favoring a greater scope and the control of products classified by categories.


Category Code


Higher Category


Household appliances








The elaboration of categories is done in three stages:

  1. The option Add files the identification of the categories, making possible to associate them to a higher category. Thus, the main and secondary categories are created.
  2. The option Structure displays, as a tree structure, the priority among the categories created.
  3. The links between categories and products or group of products must be created in Category Linking x Products x Groups.

After this stage, it is possible to go back to the category file and check the products and groups that compose them.


To create categories:

1. In Categories, select option Add.

The add screen is displayed.

2. Fill in the data according to help instructions.

3. Check the information and confirm it.

4. Then, go back to the maintenance window and select option Structure to view the priority of items files.

The option Structure displays a parameter window to define if the classified products in each category ca be viewed in the structure.

5. In this procedure, the categories have not been linked to the products yet. Thus, select No.

The category structure window comes up, click on icon "+" to see level of categories created.

In the toolbar, the options Add and Delete are found to aid in the maintenance of the categories.

6. Click OK.

7. Access Category Linking x Product to link categories to products or group of products.

8. After linking the categories to groups and products, come back to the Category of Product to view the structure of the category tree with the products and/or groups.

9. Select option Structure and configure the parameter Display Products in Structure as Yes.

The category structure window comes up, click on icon + to see level of categories created.


It is possible to create sales forecast by category. Thus, the responsible for the forecast can properly work by category, which makes the task easier, mostly for companies where each employee is responsible for different categories or product lines.

See Also

To check the product categories already filed, see: