A payment order is an internal document through which a supplier is informed that a series of documents relating to debts acquired by him are being liquidated. It will usually be accompanied by a summary of the invoices, debit notes paid, withholdings made (if any) and payments in advance.


If payment order is changed after being generated, cancellation is not possible.

PA (Advance Payment) - Angola

When a PA, which was withheld, is cleared in a Payment Order, withholding is proportional, according to the write-off value and value entered by generating Advance Payment, and deducted from withholding calculated in Invoices.


Generating a payment order:

1. In Payment Order, the system displays the routine parameter screen.

2. Fill out data according to the field help instructions.

3. Check data and confirm them.

The system displays a maintenance window of bills, according to the parameters entered.

4. Double-click the bills you want.

5. Then, select Automatic Payment.

The system displays a new screen, subdivided into two folders:

6. Fill out the folder data and Confirm them.

Information is processed to consider payment order as written off or paid.

See Also